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The Games Workshop game tempts and intrigues you with its incredible lore, but you don’t know which army to choose to start the fight or do the rules seem too complicated? Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything so that you can calmly take part in the exciting battles of this tabletop war game. You will then have all the cards in hand to get off to a good start in Warhammer 40K.
Discover the Universe of Warhammer 40K
Warhammer 40K is a multiplayer war game , which pits at least two different armies against each other. You take part in spectacular battles, where dozens of soldiers and creatures confront each other. But the hobby doesn’t stop there: you collect beautiful figurines, which you must assemble and paint, all while exploring a rich and solid universe.
You won’t be able to play alone, ideally find a gaming partner to start with or get closer to groups of players in Games Workshop stores and specialized miniature games. The community is huge and for good reason Warhammer 40K is the most popular tabletop war game. It is therefore easy to meet hobbyists . Then what better way to start than to observe games?
Choosing Army among the Warhammer 40,000 Factions
As we just introduced, there are a multitude of factions in the world of W40K. So, if you are a beginner, you must not know which one to choose. First of all, the most important thing is to choose an army that you like! You are about to spend a lot of time with it, whether it is to paint it at first and then on the battlefield. The descriptions and visuals of the factions are available on the official Warhammer 40 K website . Take the time to familiarize yourself with this universe, to understand the motivations of each clan, etc.

Preparing your Army for the Confrontation
Once you have your hands on the miniatures for your future army, you will need to assemble them and then paint them. Modeling and painting are important parts of this hobby. It would be a shame not to customize the miniatures . There are several kits such as the Citadel Build and the Paint Set, which allow you to have the basic equipment, as well as an assortment of paints.
You can easily find models with the paint references you will need to then move forward step by step. It is of course possible to create your own compositions. Thanks to modeling, you completely bring your army to life.
Choosing a Starter Kit to Get Started with Warhammer 40K
You can also opt for a starter kit. This way, you will have everything you need to get started right away. You will find two armies in these 3 packs: the Space Marines and the Necrons.
Understanding the Basic Rules
At first glance the rules may seem complicated and tedious, yet the game is easy to pick up. Each miniature has a set of skills and special rules, which you can find in its profile sheet “data sheet”. They are available in the codex specific to each faction or in the assembly booklet.
The Course of a Tour
A game of Warhammer 40K is played over a series of rounds, which are played turn-based. Each player rolls a die to determine who goes first. Here’s how the phases unfold:
Command Phase : You mobilize your strategic resources and employ tactical skills.
Movement phase : you move your troops, measuring the distance with a ruler.
Psychic Phase : You use the mental faculties of your psykers.
Firing Phase : You fire on the enemy, while ensuring that your targets are within firing range.
Charge Phase : Your troops rush into the fray.
Combat Phase : Your units attack with their melee weapons.
Morale Phase : At this point, deaths may have occurred on both sides. You must check the courage of your soldiers, in case of heavy losses some may leave the battlefield.
Game Modes
Warhammer 40K offers 3 different game modes: free play (particularly flexible, it has little strategic interest), matched play (strategy is required when creating the army and choosing strategic points) and narrative play (mixed between the two previous options, which adds a more narrative dimension).
We hope that this presentation of the miniature game has helped you to see things more clearly in order to get started with Warhammer 40,000. Warhammer 40k is a vast and immersive tabletop strategy game where mastering tactics is key. Check out these essential game tips and tricks to outsmart your opponents and dominate the battlefield!