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With the recent launch of the Complete Edition update , many players have taken the opportunity to return to explore the vast and beautiful regions of The Witcher 3 , full of dangers but incredibly fascinating at the same time.
In this article we have therefore thought of providing you with some useful advice to start your new adventure , particularly valuable not only for new players, but also for those who need a little refresher.
Don’t Ignore Ointments and Potions
As fun as it may be, especially for more experienced players, to try to tackle all the battles in The Witcher 3 without any help, it is definitely not a good idea to give up the use of ointments and potions.
Geralt is in fact able to procure and create useful advantages for every occasion: make sure you always arrive prepared for a fight and have the right equipment available for a battle.
Also, don’t forget to always check your bestiary , so you always know which objects or ointments can be particularly effective against certain creatures.
Explore Far and Wide
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers a huge game world, full of small and large settlements and a myriad of points of interest. Although the urge to continue in the main story may be strong, by not exploring the various regions far and wide you will be precluding yourself from a significant portion of the video game offering of CD Projekt’s work.
Between secondary missions accompanied by always interesting stories, treasure hunts, lucrative and dangerous Witcher contracts and in general the myriad of opportunities offered by the game world, you will certainly never get bored. And if we have not convinced you yet, know that wandering aimlessly is ultimately also the best way to collect money, materials and equipment useful for the most challenging battles.

Fight with Awareness
At the beginning of the game you will be asked whether to start with the tutorial or to immediately begin the main story and, if it is your first time playing The Witcher 3, we strongly recommend that you choose the first option to begin to get the hang of a combat system that is quite layered and satisfying.
The commands of light attack, heavy attack, dodge and somersault will be accompanied by the use of signs , very useful in combat. The Signs are nothing more than spells that will be essential to advance in our story and we will have 5 available , each with unique characteristics from mind control, to mystical traps to the protective shield.
The Difficulty Levels
Gamers guide tricks like mastering the in-game economy can elevate your performance across all genres. When starting a game, the first thing you will have to do is choose the difficulty level, from four available:
Story : Enemies have lower damage resistance and don’t do as much damage as in the ‘Story and the Sword’ level. This option is recommended for players who want to enjoy the narrative without worrying too much about the difficulty of the combats.
The Story and the Sword (Normal): The default difficulty level. Geralt is less resilient than in The Story and the Sword, so combat is a slightly more demanding experience. This is the recommended difficulty level for veterans of the series or players who are confident in their skills.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Hard) – For those looking for a good challenge. This difficulty level removes health regeneration through meditation and also greatly increases enemy skill and endurance. Players looking for a challenge and those who have finished the game once will find this level to be the logical next step after The Story and the Sword.
Death March (Nightmare) – For suicidal witchers who like to taste their own blood along with that of their enemies. There is no mercy here, unless you prepare thoroughly for all the big battles that await you. You will die as usual.