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Many people ask the question: how to craft a smooth stone in Minecraft? The answer is very simple! If suddenly you don’t know how it differs from the usual one and why it is needed at all, then now we will explain this clearly.
Smooth stone in Minecraft is a building material, a durable block with a smooth surface. Smooth stone is needed in the construction of strong buildings with a smooth gray surface. To get it you will need a stone and a stove with fuel.
How to Make a Smooth Stone?
Here’s what you’ll need:
Several cobblestones;
Coal, sticks, oak boards or other fuel;
Table (workbench).
When you have everything you need, place the cobblestones in the furnace, add fuel and light the fire. Very soon they will turn into ordinary stone.
Then remove the newly created materials from the furnace and put them back there, adding fuel again. After re-processing you will get a smooth stone.
Please note that the properties of regular and smooth stone are the same. These materials differ from each other only in appearance, the second one looks more beautiful.
What is a Smooth Stone in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, such a stone is one of the building materials that is used in some recipes. It looks like a gray cube with slightly darker edges and feels better than usual, so it is often used for the construction of stone buildings with smooth walls.
How is a Smooth Stone Different from a Regular one in Minecraft?
Smooth stone differs from ordinary stone only in appearance – it just looks more beautiful. Otherwise, their characteristics are the same – a building made of smooth stone will be as strong as one made of ordinary stone.

Why do You Need a Smooth Stone in Minecraft?
As already mentioned, it is often used for aesthetic purposes, when the player wants to make a building with smooth walls and a calmer, more uniform color. But it also has a more practical use, which is why smooth stone in Minecraft becomes relevant. This material is needed to create a smelting furnace – a very common tool that creates materials like lapis lazuli, emerald, diamond and even redstone. Also, a smelting furnace melts ores many times faster than a conventional one.
In addition to the smelting furnace, the smooth stone is used to make a slab – formerly known as “Smooth Stone Slab”. It is a decorative element that is valuable because the character can climb onto it without jumping – it is an ideal material for ladders. The only recipe that uses a smooth stone slab is an armor stand.
How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft?
You can craft a smooth stone from regular stone or, if you don’t even have that, from cobblestones. Accordingly, to craft smooth stone in adventure mode you will need either cobblestones or ordinary stones, fuel (coal, boards, sticks, etc.) and a furnace.
To get regular stone, place the cobblestones in the furnace and start a fire. After you create it, return it to the furnace (monitor the presence of fuel) and you will soon have a smooth stone.
If you are then wondering what it takes to create a smooth stone slab, it is simple. There are two options: either put one smooth stone into the stone cutter and get two slabs from it, or place three smooth stones in a line in the workbench window and get six slabs.
Smooth Stone Command
Here is a command that allows you to get a smooth stone in Minecraft, that is, how to create a smooth stone in Minecraft.
A smooth stone can be summoned using a command in creative mode. To do this you need:
open chat (key “T” in English)
write a command/give @p minecraft:smooth_stone
press the “ENTER” key
You can also specify the quantity and to whom the smooth stone will be issued:
/give @p minecraft:smooth_stone 10
get 10 smooth stones
/give MinecraftMax minecraft:smooth_stone
the smooth stone will be given to a player with the nickname MinecraftMax
The command can be written into a command block so that it is executed when a redstone signal is received.
To create Smooth Stone in Minecraft, simply smelt regular Stone in a furnace. For a helpful gaming tip and trick, make sure to first mine cobblestone, then smelt it into Stone, and finally smelt the Stone again to get Smooth Stone, which is perfect for building and crafting!