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Making paper in Minecraft is very easy and doesn’t require a lot of materials. Here I’ll explain exactly how you can craft it, what you can use it for and everything else you need to know about it.
Minecraft Paper Crafting : Recipe and Steps
To craft paper in Minecraft, you only need 3x sugar cane. Place 3 sugar canes in the middle row of the 3×3 grid of your workbench.
When making paper, it is important that the sugar canes are placed in the exact pattern as shown in the picture below.

Then simply drag the paper you have produced into your inventory. And you have now crafted three units of paper from three units of sugar cane .
Below I will explain to you step by step which points you need to consider.
Crafting a workbench
First of all, you need a workbench, because without one you cannot make paper in Minecraft. A workbench can easily be created directly in the player inventory .
To do this, simply place 4 wooden boards of any kind, regardless of which Minecraft tree (for example acacia wood, oak wood, tropical wood, etc.) in the 2×2 crafting field as shown in the picture below.

After that you need sugar cane.
Obtain sugar cane
Sugarcane is found in Minecraft in every biome along the banks of rivers, ponds, and sometimes lakes . It grows primarily in sand or on the ground right next to a water block .
You can easily mine sugar cane by hand . Depending on the growth level of the plant, 1-3 sugar canes can be dropped. Now collect three of them.

Sugarcane is also an easy-to-grow crop in Minecraft that will provide you with plenty of material for making paper. You can simply plant it anywhere near water to grow your own supply.
Use the workbench
Now that you have all the ingredients, all you have to do is place your workbench on the ground and interact with it. Right-click on it to open the 3×3 crafting grid.
Place your 3 sugar canes in the middle row to get 3 paper. Don’t forget to drag the paper into your inventory. Done!
Can you also find Paper in Minecraft?
Yes, paper can also be found in various places around the world . This means that you don’t necessarily have to craft it.
Paper can be looted from chests scattered throughout the world. You can find these chests in the following locations with different drop chances:
Shipwrecks : In map or supply chests ( 46% and 89% chance of finding)
Fortresses : 89% chance
Villages : In chests of villagers with the profession Cartographer ( 61% drop chance )
In villages you can also exchange emeralds or certain items such as compasses for paper.
What Can You do with Paper?
Paper is needed for a number of important things in Minecraft:
Card table
Various fireworks
Various banner patterns
Perhaps the most important use of paper in Minecraft is to craft books. They are used to craft bookshelves and enchanting tables, the latter of which you need to apply enchantments to your equipment . Books are also used for enchanted books.
Another important use of paper in Minecraft is to create maps and all map-related items .
Maps are used to map and navigate the Minecraft world. They can also be duplicated and expanded on Minecraft map tables , which again requires a lot of paper.
You will also need some paper to make fireworks . Rockets are extremely useful, especially for flying with elytra . They can also be used as ammunition for a crossbow or to power a fireworks machine.
By combining paper and certain objects you can create many different banner patterns that can be used as decoration.
There are a total of four patterns for the Java edition and two additional ones for the Bedrock version of the game.
By the way, you can also write on paper in Minecraft to take notes in the game. To do this, you need a book and a quill. Simply equip it and right-click – and you can start writing.
Making paper in Minecraft is simple and essential for crafting books, maps, and even fireworks. For useful gaming tips and tricks, combine three sugar canes in a horizontal row on your crafting grid to create paper, which is a vital resource for advancing in the game.