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All the Tips to Win all the Pool Games
If billiards is one of your favorite sports and you want to be a great player, you should know the tricks on how to win at billiards easily and effectively. This precision sport consists of propelling a variable number of balls with a cue, on a table that has a slate board and is covered with cloth. It is a sport that is seen in different countries around the world.
Playing pool can be difficult, even though it looks simple. Most people who do this tend to risk more than necessary. And they tend to move the cue ball excessively. Another aspect that billiard players have is that they abuse the spins and consequently fail in the plays. When we see professional players, we notice that they put in very little effort, they choose the short route and risk what is necessary with each shot.

Tricks to Win Easy at Billiards
Don’t Pull so Hard
Did you know that the harder you throw the ball, the more likely you are to miss the shot? You should try to throw as gently as possible, you will realize that by barely moving the balls you will be able to get them all in.
For example, if you end up with the cue ball two diamonds away from your object ball and you need to hit it. When you analyze the play you realize that the distance between both balls is very short, with a subtle touch you can leave the white ball dead.
Billiards Without Using Effects
The effects must be used punctually, the last Ace up the sleeve. We explain why winning at billiards without using spins is more profitable: they tend to make the shot very complicated and this reduces the chances of success. Pool players generally like to roll the cue ball horizontally. It is a habit that can be changed.
Everything is easier if you leave the effects behind. When you don’t roll the target horizontally, the ball follows a natural 90-degree path and is a useful tactic for determining where it will go.
Your Hand Position
You should hold the thick part of the cue, known as “the butt,” with your palm facing up. Meanwhile, with the hand that you will put on the table, you must make a circle around the cue with your thumb and index finger. You should do it in such a way that it rests behind your knuckles.
You have to consider that the dominant hand is the one that pushes the cue and must be at a higher height than the hand on the table.
Your Body Posture
After having a good hand position, the ideal when learning how to win at pool is that your body posture should help . You must be aligned with the cue ball and the object ball. If you are right-handed, place your left leg forward and your right leg behind for stability and balance.
The legs and arms must be extended before hitting the ball, you will do the push with a movement of your right shoulder.
Sweep the Table
In billiards, sweeping the table is building the game from left to right or vice versa. The idea is to play based on how the balls are arranged. An example is that, if you played the 8 ball and the black ball is on the right side of the table, you must start the sweep on the left.
Don’t Move the Cue Ball so Much
As a billiards player you must give importance to all the balls and shots. Don’t think that some are easier than others. You should try to give all shots the same importance, so if a ball is “easy” you don’t trust yourself, and if it is “difficult” you don’t put pressure on yourself.
Final Words
When you apply these game tips and tricks you will notice a great improvement in your game. And we could assure you that your victories will increase. To perfect your movements you can practice at home, with friends or create a game room.